40 Under 40: Alyza Berman Milrad
Local News40 Under 40

40 Under 40: Alyza Berman Milrad

Alyza Berman Milrad, 37, is a psychotherapist and founder at the The Berman Center.

Alyza Berman Milrad of Dunwoody, a member of Temple Sinai, is a psychotherapist and the owner and founder of The Berman Center, a new treatment center specializing in Jewish clients. It is only the second intensive outpatient addiction treatment center serving the Jewish population in the country.

Berman Milrad serves on a number of boards and host committees around Atlanta. She’s active in fundraising with the Epstein School, American Jewish Committee and the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival and is regularly on call for her patients.

She and husband Justin Milrad are raising two girls and one boy. Seeing the fruits of her labor within her family and the larger Jewish community is a priority.

“I hope that in the next 40 years we will be able to see the effect that our investment in Jewish education has made in the continuity of Jewish life,” she said. “I hope that this will result in a more caring, selfless and kinder generation of Jewish adults.”

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