Resolutions Community

2022 New Years Resolution from Fran Putney

Atlanta Jewish Times shares our resolutions on what all of us are hoping to accomplish, avoid, and improve upon in the New Year.

Fran M. Putney

As 2022 rapidly approaches, I continue my theme of getting back to basics. I have already written about spending time joyfully and purposefully. Inasmuch as possible, I find that’s a good guide in deciding what to do and with whom to do it.

Along the same lines, my husband and I have started a big project: clearing out all the unneeded stuff in our modestly-sized home. As empty nesters, we can now reclaim our kids’ former bedrooms and rid ourselves of decades of useless stuff. A recent attic purge resulted in the trashing of unnecessary paper files, a computer monitor the size of a small refrigerator, old paint cans and so much more. After properly disposing of or recycling these items, we felt immediately lighter! It’s our intent to complete this project throughout the whole house in the next few months. I truly believe my mom was right when she told one of my kids that you can think better without the clutter. Minimalism is my new mantra.

On a larger scale, I, like the rest of the world, am wishing for an end to the COVID pandemic once and for all. It would be wonderful if everyone would do their part in making this possible so we can all get back together for simchas and other good or important events without concern.

Wishing family, friends and community a happy, healthy and meaningful 2022!

Fran Putney is a writer and editor; communications manager for the GA Commission on the Holocaust, as well as a contributor and proofreader for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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