Sukkot Community

2023 Sukkot in the Community: Davis Academy

Area Jewish day schools went all out this year in celebration of Sukkot as their students learned about the holiday with especially engaging lesson plans.

Lower School families joined to sing and spend time together under the sukkah.
A student helps assemble the sukkah.
A pair of Davis students celebrate Sukkot.
Eighth-grade students Matilda J., Jayden B., Ross B., Spencer G. decorating sukkah in the Middle School campus.
Fifth-grade student Adi S. helps Mechina student Poppy G. build an edible sukkah.
Mechina student Jane P. in a science lab in the sukkah.
A Davis student samples the goods at the sukkah.

Sukkot was a joyous holiday and a time of great celebration at The Davis Academy. Students in Mechina through eighth grade decorated the beautiful sukkot on both campuses. The school welcomed families to sing and spend time together as a kehilah. In addition, students created edible sukkot, conducted science labs, and studied in the sukkah. While doing all of these activities in the sukkah, the school remembered where we had come from and also what truly matters in life—the simple blessings of family, health, and shelter. Focusing on these simple blessings made Sukkot truly live up to its name: the season of our rejoicing.

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