Sukkot Community

2023 Sukkot in the Community: The Weber School

Area Jewish day schools went all out this year in celebration of Sukkot as their students learned about the holiday with especially engaging lesson plans.

Students gathered in the sukkah to bless and shake the Lulav and Etrog.
Hebrew teacher Morah Ben-Haim and her freshmen Hebrew students gathered in the sukkah for class.
Weber’s Dean of Jewish Studies, Rabbi Adam Mayer, taught his students how to bless and shake the Lulav and Etrog in Weber’s sukkah.

As with Jews worldwide, Weber transitions from the reflective mood of Yom Kippur to the joyousness of Sukkot through several traditional practices, including the mitzvot (commandments) of ‘dwelling’ in the sukkah and waving the Lulav and Etrog. Throughout the week, students had the opportunity to eat lunch and attend classes in the sukkah. Weber also held a special evening Night Under the Sukkah event for students featuring food, music, and outdoor games.

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