40 Under 40 Community

40 Under 40: Ben Cohen

Ben Cohen, 30, is a doctor of chiropractic and owner and founder of Excel Chiropractic.

Ben Cohen is a doctor of chiropractic and the owner and founder of Excel Chiropractic in Sandy Springs. Two things that have always been central to Cohen are family and community.

Cohen is a member of Temple Sinai, a Sandy Springs Rotarian, a Leadership Sandy Springs alumnus, and a past president of a Sandy Springs Business Networking chapter.

When he is not in the office taking care of his patients from all around the city, Cohen is immersed in the community, participating in local events, and finding new ways and opportunities to help those in need.

Just this past month, he and his wife, Abi, were blessed with their first child, Ella. Cohen said that since his daughter was born, he has a rejuvenated sense of Jewish tradition and will be sure to raise his daughter with a strong Jewish identity, the same way he was raised in Tallahassee, Fla.

“My wife and I feel so fortunate to raise our daughter here in Atlanta. While we feel lucky to be in a Jewish Atlanta community that prides itself on diversity, it’s important to our family to uphold traditional Jewish values and practices in our home as well.”

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