Local News 40 Under 40

40 Under 40: Rachel Wasserman

Rachel Wasserman, 36, is the executive director of the Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta.

Rachel Wasserman of Toco Hills is the first full-time executive director of the Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta, the only organization in Atlanta focused entirely on change and empowerment for Jewish girls. She frequently is asked to speak as an expert on women’s philanthropy, giving circles and young women’s leadership, and she has written several columns for the Atlanta Jewish Times and eJewish Philanthropy.

Wasserman and her husband, Danny, have four children, and she serves as the director of the search committee and as a class mom at the Beth Jacob Preschool and a class mom at Torah Day School of Atlanta. Wasserman was featured in the AJT as one of 25 nonprofit innovators in 2015 and was part of the 40 Under 40 in 2014.

“It is a great time to be under 40 in Jewish Atlanta,” she said. “The community is rife with innovation, and there are endless opportunities for young leaders to shake things up, think outside the box and make an impact.”

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