A Century of Hadassah in Atlanta

By Paula S. Zucker | Greater Atlanta Hadassah President

Dear friends:

Paula Zucker, Greater Atlanta Hadassah president

As we approach the sweetest time in the Jewish calendar, we reflect on the past year: the ups, the downs, what we might have done differently, etc.

However, as with all new beginnings — and, yes, Rosh Hashanah is a new beginning — we focus on what we will do this year. Perhaps it will be spending more time with family, volunteering within our communities or taking classes.

Whatever your personal goal is, go for it.

Greater Atlanta Hadassah, too, has a goal this year as we celebrate our 100th year in Atlanta. Our goal is for each member of the community to know just how Hadassah has impacted your life.

It is the first to identify genetic markers that help treat cystic fibrosis among Jews and Palestinians. It has created a treatment for ALS that is helping researchers around the world. It is treating all who come through its hospital doors with dignity, respect and kindness — no matter whether they are Israeli, Arab, Jew, Palestinian or Christian. Hadassah Hospital continues to be a bridge to peace.

You might think that Hadassah is just a hospital or does great medical research; it is that and so much more.

Greater Atlanta Hadassah’s actions within the Atlanta community have benefited many. Our Check It Out! program has gone into public and private schools for more than 25 years, educating over 35,000 young women on the importance of breast self-exams. The Chesed student awards event held each spring has celebrated young people of distinction for 24 years.

Hadassah has been at the forefront of advocating for stem cell research in the United States, equality in medical research for women, and making ourselves heard in every voting district because we have a voice and we use it to better our communities.

Finally, it is part of a nationwide network of women so that no matter where you go in the United States, there is Hadassah creating instant family — the most important unit in Judaism, our family.

To each of you and your families, l’shana tova tikatevu; may you be inscribed in the Book of Life and have a very sweet year.

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