Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Alla Umanskiy

Read community insights, advice and perspectives during Chanukah.

Alla Umanskiy

One: I’m thankful for the chance to put a few words down on paper, for the ability to be heard, to be read, to announce to the world that I’m here, that I was here.

Two: I’m thankful for my sister, who will make me an aunt next spring.

Three: I’m thankful for my Big Girl, who fills my heart with overwhelming joy and pride every single day.

Four: I’m thankful for my Little Girl, who touches my soul and brings peace to our family just by being.

Five: I’m thankful that my parents and parents-in-law are living lives I would have wished for them, full of friends, adventures, travel, and family.

Six: I’m thankful for my grandmother, who’s living her life with gusto, even in the face of unthinkable tragedies. But then, she’s always lived that way.

Seven: I’m beyond thankful for friends. I love you. Yes, you. I can’t even imagine doing without.

Eight: I’m thankful that almost 20 years ago I met a guy in a coffee shop, and he changed my life. Happy Chanukah, my love. You make it all worth it.

Alla Umanskiy adores Chanukah, presents, food, her children, husband and any combination thereof, as well as regularly contributes to the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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