Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message From Brenda Gelfand

Chanukah helps me believe in miracles – how one small oil lamp or menorah managed to last eight days instead of one.

Brenda Gelfand is a senior account manager for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

Chanukah is one of my favorite holidays because it is the Festival of Lights and Miracles.  I love all the wonderful traditions it incorporates – the lighting of the candles on the menorah for eight days, eating latkes and applesauce, spinning the dreidel, and most importantly, being with my beautiful family and friends.

It also helps me believe in miracles – how one small oil lamp or menorah managed to last eight days instead of one.  I wish everyone a very Happy Chanukah and many more miracles to come!

Brenda Gelfand is a senior account manager at the AJT.

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