Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Elizabeth Langfelder

Atlanta Jewish Times staff wishes our community Happy Chanukah.

Elizabeth Langfelder

This time of year, many different holidays are celebrated. All have meaning to each of us in different ways. Not growing up Jewish, my family celebrated Christmas in a religious way, embracing the holiday and all it offers, focusing on the closeness of family, warmth of friends, and blessings from G-d. Not to mention a bit of “Charlie Brown” and “A Miracle on 34th Street” thrown in for fun.

As an adult, I began to understand Judaism and chose to raise my children Jewish with the help from my family and my synagogue. This brought new celebrations and customs into my life that I warmly welcomed. Collecting menorahs to display and light, embracing family and honoring G-d is what matters to me and my family. I also make latkes but am known to use the air fryer instead of deep-frying if served more than one night.

Celebrating any holiday or holy day should be encouraged and embraced provided it’s done in a respectful way. Our constantly changing world is always bringing challenges to our faith, beliefs, and perspectives. Welcome the light of the menorah to brighten your home and ignite your spirit. It’s my wish for all of us to find abundance of joy, strong feelings of love and patience in our daily lives so we can share it throughout our world. Happy Chanukah to all!

Elizabeth Langfelder is an account manager at Atlanta Jewish Times.

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