Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Flora Rosefsky

Read community insights, advice and perspectives during Chanukah.

Flora Rosefsky

Grateful for 8

1, For Bernie, my loving and supportive husband for 59 years

2.  For our four children and their loved ones – with strong family relationships

3. For eight grandchildren bringing Nachas – ages 8-25

4. For the ability to continue working as a visual artist at home and in my studio

5.  For appreciating the opportunity to be an AJT contributing writer

6. For having thoughtful and caring good friends –some that go way back in time

7. For living in our beautiful apartment complex with our mini-botanical porch garden

8. For having had parents and extended family who passed on our shared Jewish heritage and traditions.

Flora Rosefsky is an Atlanta Jewish Times contributing writer and visual artist.

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