Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Fran Putney

For our annual Chanukah issue, we asked members of our community to share why they think it is so important for our Jewish community to, 'Shine Our Light Bold and Bright.'

Fran Putney

In my mom’s career, she worked as a secretary for three rabbis, two well-known clergy in Miami and one in Westchester County, N.Y., when we moved there. Working for rabbis was no doubt challenging in many ways, but I’m sure she also found the work rewarding. I’ve always joked with her that we both ended up as Jewish community professionals.

Personally, I’ve loved my years of working and living in the Atlanta Jewish community. It is a beautifully diverse community, religiously and demographically, and we’re supported by deeply committed, and often innovative, institutions and resources. We are at our best communally when we come together for joyous occasions and work together to solve problems.

On this holiday of Chanukah, the festival of lights and hope, I wish all Jewish Atlantans renewed inspiration to live their lives Jewishly, whatever that means for each person, and for our organizations to continue to be energized to create meaningful connections through their missions.

Chag sameach, may your Chanukah lights burn brightly!

Fran Putney has been a (Jewish) journalist in Atlanta for more than 20 years.

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