Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Ilyssa Klein

Atlanta Jewish Times staff wishes our community Happy Chanukah.

Ilyssa Klein

Chanukah has always been a special time of year for me. While not the holiest of days, it symbolizes celebration and family togetherness. I’m excited to be celebrating this year with my new work family at the AJT and with all of you.

As a child, Chanukah was always one of my favorite holidays. My sister and I would take turns lighting the menorah and delight in whatever goodies our parents generously gifted to us each night. My favorite night was always the one we spent with our extended family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all feasting on latkes, spinning dreidels, and singing Chanukah songs. It is a gift now to be able to carry on that tradition with the next generation and know they will do the same.

At a time when our country is experiencing a rise in antisemitism, the importance of embracing our faith and our community during this holiday, and always, cannot be understated. I feel this responsibility deeply and is why it’s so important for our Jewish community to “Shine Our Light Bold and Bright.”

Wishing you all a Happy Chanukah.

Ilyssa Klein is an account manager at Atlanta Jewish Times.

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