Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Lori Gluck

Atlanta Jewish Times' staff shares their community insights, advice and perspectives this year during Chanukah.

As the days grow shorter and darkness is all around us, we can take solace in the lights of Chanukah. It is a time for the community to come together in solidarity and celebrate. This year we have endured and are still enduring tumultuous political elections. Now more than ever we need to be assured we ALL will be counted. Individually and as a community. Stand up for what and who we believe in. Ours is an important collective voice.

Light the candles within each of us to build a huge “fire” that is our Jewish community. We believe there is strength in numbers, but not always positive strength. My hope is that our community unity is a positive collective strength. Let’s all strive for a better world and leave this place less damaged than we found it. Let’s all keep in mind the miracle of the Chanukah lights and try to envision miracles for the upcoming year. Think of the miracles of science and medicine. First a COVID test, then rapid tests. Now COVID vaccines. The miracles of technology. Too many there to mention, as the technology changes so rapidly.

Darkness can be scary. We are all afraid somewhat of the dark. I think the Jewish community embraces the light and comes out the other side shining. The Atlanta Jewish Times is a beacon of light for our community. Community is the meaning of Chanukah. Embrace it. May the light of Chanukah shine on you and those you love.

Lori is an account manager for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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