Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Michal Bonell

Atlanta Jewish Times' staff shares their community insights, advice and perspectives this year during Chanukah.

Michal Bonell

Chanukah celebrates many different things, such as the victory of the faithful over the mighty and the miracle of light through the darkness. Mostly, I think Chanukah celebrates HOPE! In times of struggle, we all need hope to help us through. These days are no exception, with climate change challenges, with political unrest, with a pandemic still raging across the world, we need hope to help us find the strength to move ahead, take a stand and make changes for a brighter tomorrow. Below is a lovely poem I found about hope.

Where Hope Comes From

It comes from heartache.

And it grows like the lone sapling

from the ashes of loss.

And it carves its way out

of the heart of tragedy and its heavy cost.

And it rises like a soldier thought lost

returning home to his mother.

And it smiles like the calm, clear sky

following weeks of one storm after another.


And maybe this is why when Pandora

opened the box that carried such calamities

which inflicted all of mankind,

gentle hope emerged from it too.

What else helps us

overcome suffering

if not by giving hope

a chance to bloom.

Nikita Gill

Michal Bonell is senior account manager and team supervisor at the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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