Chanukah Community

A Chanukah Message from Rabbi Joshua Heller

For our annual Chanukah issue, we asked members of our community to share why they think it is so important for our Jewish community to, 'Shine Our Light Bold and Bright.'

Rabbi Joshua Heller

Chanukah is unique among Jewish holidays in that it must be observed in public view. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur can take place behind closed doors. The Passover seder must all be eaten within the same home, even if we open the door for Elijah. Even on Sukkot, the sukkah itself can be out of sight. In contrast, the essential commandment of Chanukah is called Pirsuma D’nisa, publicizing the miracle. In order to fully observe the holiday, we must place our lights where they can be seen by passers-by.

For much of our Jewish history, we have not been able to choose whether our faith was public or private. Sometimes, we were forced to live in the ghetto or wear a badge. Other times, we sought security in camouflage, blending in and hiding our heritage, or we were forbidden from letting our light shine. The story of Chanukah is a story of Jews who chose to stand up and stand out.

In some ways, it has never been easier to be a proud Jew than it is in America today. We are welcome contributors in every level of leadership, creativity, business, and culture. When we light our lights, many of our neighbors see us as an inspiration and offer encouragement. However, foes of all stripes are also more emboldened than in recent memory, saying hateful things that were previously only whispered and threatening violence.

This year, when we proudly display our Chanukah lights in the window, we are sending a message to our neighbors, friend and foe alike, that we are not in hiding. We stand up and stand out. We are here, and we have a light to bring to the world. Let’s make sure we internalize that message as well.

Rabbi Joshua Heller is the senior rabbi at Congregation B’nai Torah.

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