Passover Community

A Passover Message from Fran M. Putney

Atlanta Jewish Times staff wishes our community Happy Passover.

Fran M. Putney

Anyone who attended the Atlanta Jewish Life Festival earlier this month would have seen in real time, so to speak, a sample of the breadth and diversity of Atlanta’s Jewish community. The atmosphere was fun, but there were opportunities to learn about all the entities, from synagogues and camps to service organizations and businesses, that specialize in working with Jewish interests. From kosher barbecue to nonprofits that address Jewish-related health issues.

We don’t all think alike or have similar Jewish lifestyles, but that is part of the beauty of this fabric that is our greater Atlanta Jewish community, which now is no longer concentrated in one or two geographic areas. I’m sure our Federation has the latest demographics, but, anecdotaly, we know that Jews are building community all around the state – from North Georgia to Savannah.

No matter where we are on the Jewish spectrum, our Judaism connects us. With respect and appreciation for our diversity, it is my hope this Passover that we can always stay focused on our common ground. We need each other now as much as ever.

Wishing everyone a warm, delicious, and meaningful Passover!

Fran Putney is a staff writer and proofreader for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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