Passover Community

A Passover Message from Sherry Frank

Members of the extended Atlanta Jewish community expresses their thoughts about the 2023 Passover holiday, using the prompt, 'Unity Creates Community.'

“We are overwhelmed with the generosity to NCJW this year,” said Atlanta section president Sherry Frank.

Dayenu, Dayenu is a central theme of the Passover seder as we retell the story of liberation and question our progress towards freedom. This year, as we take a deep breath, some might say, “Dayenu, it is enough.” For others, a louder voice within cries out across the parted sea, “Dayenu, it is not enough.”

D— the DOBBS v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overruled Roe v. Wade and eliminated the federal constitutional right to abortion, casting aside a 50-year precedent. It is a direct attack on a woman’s bodily autonomy and her right to decide when and if to have children.

Lo Dayenu, it is not enough.

A— ANTISEMITISM is increasing exponentially as Jews and our institutions are attacked. Jewish security is threatened.

Lo Dayenu, it is not enough.

Y— This is the YEAR we celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary with pride and a full heart.

Dayenu, it is enough.

Yet, with the current threat to its judiciary, protestors in record numbers are demonstrating in her streets. Israel’s democracy is at risk. Lo Dayenu, it is not enough.

E— EQUALITY for girls and women is still a far-off dream in this country and around the world. When we finally pass the Equal Rights Amendment, Dayenu, it will be enough.

N— As NEWCOMERS immigrate from war-torn countries, especially from Afghanistan and Ukraine, let us remember that we, too, were once strangers in a new land. When we open our hearts to these families, Dayenu, it will be enough.

U—When we promote UNDERSTANDING and truth about our history, its injustices, and its achievements, and when we promote UNITY and respect within the diversity of our Jewish community, then we can truly let freedom ring. Dayenu, it will be enough.

Sherry Frank is co-president of NCJW Atlanta Section.

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