Rosh Hashanah Community

Arlene Appelrouth’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Arlene Applerouth shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Arlene Appelrouth

I went to shabbat services at Beth Israel, in Cumming, a week ago. It was the last Shabbos service that would take place in its temporary home, where the synagogue has been growing for six years. I had received five or six emails from Rabbi Levi Mentz inviting and encouraging me to participate in this milestone shabbat service for the Chabad shul. During the pandemic I had missed attending services and was glad to drive half an hour from where I live in Chamblee.

It amazes me that there’s a thriving synagogue in Forsyth County. It wasn’t that long ago when few Jews lived there, and the county had a reputation for not welcoming Jews or blacks.

It was the first time in almost three years that I had attended shabbat services and I was glad to be there, praying and singing with the lively congregants.

One of the things I love about living in Atlanta is its variety and diversity of synagogues. I’ve been a member of two Reform temples, a modern Orthodox shul and an Orthodox shul. I value the opportunity to choose and always feel welcome at every synagogue. The synagogues in this town offer Southern hospitality.

I’ve begun going to plays, eating in restaurants and traveling to see my out-of-town family. When I was at the Alliance Theatre on Sunday, I was happy to see “Everybody,” which was different from what’s usually on the Coca-Cola stage.

Living in Atlanta offers many choices for theater. I’m excited that once again there are many plays to choose from. I look forward to many more cultural experiences.

Atlanta is a wonderful place to live. Although I don’t like the traffic, I’ve seen incredible growth and development during the twenty-five years that I’ve called Atlanta home.

Atlanta offers business opportunities to people with good ideas who are willing to work hard. My entrepreneurial son founded and grew a successful tutoring business in this city. I’m grateful that he has chosen to live here and that I can see him and his family without getting on a plane.

Given that Rosh Hashanah is almost here, I’m looking forward to the invitation for introspection and reflection. I’m also grateful that in this new year I will give up pandemic inertia and become more active in taking advantage of all that Atlanta has to offer.

Arlene Appelrouth is a contributor to the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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