Resolutions Community

A Vision of the World Repaired

Atlanta Jewish Times shares our resolutions on what all of us are hoping to accomplish, avoid, and improve upon in the New Year.

Dr. Terry Segal

2022 New Years Resolution from Dr. Terry Segal 

As 2022 approaches, I want to acknowledge how weary everyone is of the challenges that we are facing as we enter the New Year. As Jews, we are lucky to have the opportunity for a reset twice each year to return to our soul’s wisdom. In co-creation with Hashem, we have chosen to be present on the earth at this time, during these circumstances. We have to ask ourselves, “What is my contribution? What skills, personality traits, or G-d given abilities can impact the world in a positive way? How can I take action for Tikkun Olam, repair of the world?”

Our world is in need of repair. We need to hold that goal at the forefront and become the salve for the wounds of others, the thread to bind together what’s been torn, and the light to illuminate the path forward.

Rising up, beyond the changing laws made by man, are G-d’s Laws, and the Laws of the Universe. Day follows night and the seasons change. The moon waxes and wanes and grows bright again.

Let us align our minds and hearts with those laws. May we be mindful in using our gifts of intuition, common sense and learning, as we follow the blueprint of Torah that has been gifted to us. All of its teachings are relevant today and can serve as a foundation on which to keep building the world as we envision it, focused on peace, love and hope.

Dr. Terry Segal is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine.

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