Rosh Hashanah Community

Amy Seidner’s Holiday Message

Atlanta Jewish Times' staff shares their community insights, advice and perspectives during this time as we enter in to the 5781/ 2020 Rosh Hashanah New Year.

Amy Seidner is community events and public relations manager of the Atlanta Jewish Times.

Patience. Wonder. Frustration. It has been a year unlike any other in my lifetime. This year has been filled with wonderful experiences and simplicity. Because of the pandemic, my husband and I began seeing the clearest skies filled with bright stars and planets on our nightly walks, and I learned how to cherish those simple, quiet times and pollution-free skies. Streets were quiet for a time. Night sounds became louder and fireflies seemed more prevalent than before. At the same time, patience has been key; we had to relearn how to be happy and satisfied with just being.

My family once again became the center of my world. We did projects, cooked, baked and grilled together. I learned to celebrate milestone events virtually and in doing so, was able to reconnect with friends and family across the globe. But, at the same time, this year has been an exercise in patience, at times extraordinarily frustrating.

If the previous years were moving at warp speed, in the spring of this year we came to a screeching halt. Instant gratification was no longer available. Being with friends or non-immediate family was no longer possible, and it has taken months to learn how to proceed without it. I am learning and moving forward. 5781 should be just as interesting as 5780, although I am hopeful about the possibilities.

Amy Seidner is community events and public relations manager of the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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