Chanukah Community

Amy Shafron: What Fuels Your Fire

Amy Shafron shares what fuels her fire.

While we see less sun and more of the moon at this time of year, it’s all about how we “light the way” as we get ready to celebrate the spirit of the Maccabees and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days.

On Chanukah, and frankly all year long, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to not only tell our story, but to live our story by infusing Jewish values into all that we do, bringing spirit, hope and justice into the world around us.

And when I see children living our values, I am inspired.

Inspired by the child who collects items for a local food pantry before enjoying loads of latkes with his own family, and by the child who uses his gelt to buy a needy child a holiday present since he received eight gifts, one for each of night of Chanukah. Inspired by the child who creates a card for a member of the military who won’t be home for the holiday, and inspired by the child who writes her own verse for an original song about gratitude, as her voice will surely lift up others.

This is the way we live our story – through our children. This is the way we keep the Jewish flame lit.

At the corner of Spalding and Roberts sits Sandy Springs Fire Station #51 with its dedicated team of men and women who work to put out fires and keep our community safe. I am grateful for these brave firefighters.

At the opposite corner of Spalding and Roberts sits The Davis Academy, with its dedicated team of men and women who work to keep the fire burning, safeguarding our community’s future. I am grateful for their dedication as keepers of the flame.

May all of our community’s children continue to tell our story, live our values and light the way for a world of peace.

Amy Shafron is head of school of The Davis Academy.

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