
Animal Communicator Speaks Pets’ Language

Nefesh Chaya is an animal lover and a healer who has a connection to cats, dogs, and everything in between.

Nefesh Chaya spends time with her beagles and cherishes their walks together.

Nefesh Chaya is an animal lover, a healer, and a member of Congregation Bet Haverim. She also talks to animals. We sat down with the pet psychic to chat about her special connection to cats, dogs, and everything in between.

AJT: How did you begin working as a pet psychic?

Chaya: Well I prefer the term animal communicator. I’ve always known that animals were communicating with us, but I started noticing more when I realized everyone else wasn’t listening. We can all hear our animals, and on some level, we’re all listening. I just try to be a little more aware.

AJT: So how does it work? Do you make house calls to read animals in person?

Chaya: I can. I sometimes go to someone’s house, but most often, all I need is a photo. The eyes are the window to the soul. So someone would send me a photo and a list of questions they have about their animal. I connect with the animal before the client and I speak on the phone. I ask if there’s anything he/she wants to communicate, and it’s very easy. I connect to their soul and communicate effectively. I’ve also had three near-death experiences myself, and I think it’s made me more able to jump through the so called ‘veil’ and speak with animals of either side. I can speak to those who have passed as well. Specifically, I deal with some clients who have a very hard time with their grief after an animal dies, and I help to connect clients to the animals’ souls.

AJT: You must have always felt a special connection to animals.

Chaya: I’ve always heard them, and I think it comes from my grandmother. The women in my life have always been very open to having other elements around. Most children actually have the ability, and it just stayed with me. Children typically lose it when they begin to attend school, but they were born with the ability to remember where we came from. Knowing that all animals are spiritual beings, animals are precious to me. They all have souls, feelings, opinions, likes and dislikes. They’re very much like us.

AJT: What kind have pets have you worked with? Anything out of the ordinary?

Chaya: I work with mostly dogs and other domesticated animals. I’ve worked on farms as well. The most bizarre case I’ve worked on was probably with a bull. The family brought me a photo and I helped them determine how he was feeling in his new environment. I also communicate quite a bit with deer and the other animals near my house.

AJT: Is there a session with a pet that had the most impact on you?

Chaya: Oh yes. It was a request from a woman out of state who had rescued two kittens. They were siblings who never left each other’s side, but suddenly, they became agitated and violent with each other almost constantly. I went to visit the house, and I could immediately sense another animal there. I found out the woman had buried her previous cat in the backyard and told her she’d always have a place in the house. The cat’s spirit was still there and causing all kinds of mayhem in the house. I suggested putting a clove of garlic over the grave and having the woman tell the cat she needed to go back into the light. The sibling cats were back to snuggling the next day.

AJT: Does your Jewish faith inform your work at all?

Chaya: I am involved with the Atlanta Jewish community, and I’m a member of Bet Haverim. The culture and heritage of being Jewish affects everything I do in life. My Polish grandparents were in the war, and I’m only a second-generation American. I look at things a different way I think because I don’t have a long lineage in this country. That helps in every aspect of my life.

AJT: Is your typical pet owner able to communicate with their pets in the same way you do? Any suggestions how they might?

Chaya: We all do it when we voice for our animals. When we call their names in a certain way, that’s also similar. If an animal has died and you have an instinct to call for him or her, that often means the animal is there. We just need to slow down and take more time watching and communicating with them. That could mean taking your dog on a walk and using that time to connect. Even asking what he/she wants for dinner – something as simple as that is a way to do it. The hardest thing for humans is to trust what we think or feel. Every animal comes to a human for a reason. They have lessons and things to teach us.

Chaya can be found on her Facebook page:

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