Artistic Approach for Art Contest Winner

Channeling Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso and a touch of Andy Warhol, 6-year-old Ami Graber has been selected as the overall winner of the 2015 Atlanta Jewish Times Chanukah Art Contest.

Ami’s drawing, which depicts a menorah made of paintbrushes, is a colorful and imaginative take on the Festival of Lights.

Ami Graber works on his contest-winning drawing at his home in Toco Hills.

“The paint pallet is the base, and everything else is paintbrushes,” Ami said. “I chose paintbrushes because this is an art contest. The paint is the fire, and the brushes are the candles.”

Ami, a Torah Day School of Atlanta first-grader who lives in Toco Hills, said he enjoys drawing superheroes and making sculptures. He said his favorite parts of Chanukah are lighting the menorah and playing dreidel, and he enjoys sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) and latkes.

Ami hopes to become an inventor when he grows up so he can make things that help people.

This year for Chanukah, Ami wishes for the Mashiach to come and for everyone to be healthy.

Ami’s parents, Yoni and Davida, said they are proud of their artistic and creative son, who will receive the contest’s grand prize of a $50 gift card to Binders Art Supplies in Buckhead.

Ami and the top finishers in each of four age groups, whose entries appear on the following pages, will be recognized during a reception at Binders, 3330 Piedmont Road, Suite 18, Buckhead, at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 20. All participants in the contest, who are eligible for $5 gift certificates to binders, are welcome at the free reception.

Look for all contest entries here on our website, making it easy to show off the children’s artistic excellence to interested friends and family members.


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