Business Israel and Atlanta Working Together

Atlanta, Jerusalem Plan Medical Venture

Israeli startups will get assistance through the Global Center for Medical Innovation, the Metro Atlanta Chamber and others.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed have agreed that their cities will operate a biomed and life sciences innovation center as a joint venture.

The center will be in Atlanta and will provide Jerusalem-based companies incubator resources and access to the U.S. market. The venture includes the Jerusalem Economic Development Authority’s BioJerusalem, the Metro Atlanta Chamber, Georgia State, and a Georgia Tech affiliate, Global Center for Medical Innovation, and its T3 Labs subsidiary.

A meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday, Sept. 3, between Barkat and an Atlanta delegation led by Metro Atlanta Chamber Vice President of Global Commerce, Economic Development Jorge Fernandez, GCMI CEO Tiffany Wilson and Conexx President Guy Tessler sealed the deal after a year of efforts by Israeli Consul General Judith Varnai Shorer and Conexx delegations’ BioJerusalem visits.

The innovation center will have a joint Atlanta-Jerusalem executive board. GCMI will provide resources, guidance, facilities and accelerator tools to help companies reach commercialization milestones.

Selected Jerusalem-based companies will be hosted at the center for six to 12 months.

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