Lifecycles Simchas

Bar Mitzvah: Aidan Charles

Aidan Charles, son of Amy and Evan Charles of Marietta, will be bar mitzvahed at Congregation Etz Chaim.

Aidan Charles, son of Amy and Evan Charles of Marietta, will be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday, June 1, at Congregation Etz Chaim.

Aidan is in the seventh grade at The Walker School and enjoys playing basketball, lacrosse, and football. He also looks forward to attending Camp Barney Medintz every summer.

For his mitzvah project, Aidan is donating a portion of his bar mitzvah gifts to, as well as volunteering this summer with, Creating Connected Communities. CCC engages young leaders through outreach by providing an opportunity for underprivileged children to celebrate and be celebrated.

Aidan is the grandson of Sandy and Jerry Charles of Parkland, Fla., and Suzanne and Don Kooi of Dallas, Texas.

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