Simcha Birth

Birth: Solomon Myles Raidbard

Mazel tov to the Raidbard family.

Nadine and Stephen Raidbard of Atlanta announce the birth of their son, Solomon Myles Raidbard, on April 1, 2018. He weighed 5 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 19 inches long.

The proud family includes grandparents, Hannah Garrick and Rochelle Raidbard of Atlanta, and loving big sisters, Amaya and Mikayla Raidbard.

Solomon Myles is named in memory of Sally Raidbard (Steve’s grandmother), Sarah Zwaig (Nadine’s grandmother), Sam Dwortz (Steve’s grandfather), Marshall Raidbard (Steve’s father) and Morris Garrick (Nadine’s grandfather). His Hebrew name, Avraham, is in memory of Arthur Garrick (Nadine’s father), Abe Zwaig (Nadine’s grandfather), Albert Raidbard (Steve’s father), Arlene Simon (Steve’s Aunt) and other relatives.

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