Community News

Church Quilt Honoring Pittsburgh to be Housed at The Breman

Members of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church delivered a prayer quilt to the Federation that they made for the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Jeremy Katz of the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum and Renee Kutner of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta receive a quilt from members of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church.

Last week, members of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church dropped off a prayer quilt to the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta they made for the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

“They shared with us how their Bible study group has been meeting weekly for four years, studying half Old Testament and half New Testament each year, and what an honor it is for them to feel that they share their heritage with the Jewish people,” said Renee Kutner, the Federation’s vice president of marketing.

Hanging threads on the quilt include several knots to represent a prayer that was said by someone in the church on behalf of Tree of Life synagogue – a prayer of concern, healing and hope. “They have made about 20 prayer quilts in the last year, whenever they are requested by people for someone who is facing any type of crisis (illness, hard times, etc.), so their particular Bible study group within the church requested this quilt in the aftermath of Pittsburgh.

“Because of the large amount of items already sent to Pittsburgh from around the world, they requested that we keep this quilt here in Atlanta as our own reminder, and it will be housed at the Breman Museum,” said Kutner.

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