Passover Opinion

David Ostrowsky’s 2022 Passover Message

David Ostrowsky shares his inspiration and thoughts on this year's Passover holiday with the community.

David Ostrowsky

For me, Passover has always meant starting anew.

Whether it’s a new job, writing project, or upcoming summer trip, I feel like a new opportunity awaits in the early spring, coincidentally, when Passover occurs. It’s an exciting time of year — the days are warmer and longer — and there’s potential for exciting times ahead.

After several long winter months largely spent being cooped up inside with hot chocolate and a book, spring has indeed arrived.

Personally, as a lifelong sports fan and current sportswriter and baseball biographer, I naturally equate Passover with a new baseball season. As I look back on my childhood, I have vivid memories of many Passover seders that have coincided with Opening Day.

While perhaps it hasn’t always been ideal having these two very important events overlap, I believe that, at least symbolically, they complement each other beautifully. Just as the onset of a new baseball season offers hope and optimism so too does the inherent spirit of Passover.

From a very different perspective, this year’s celebration takes on heightened significance after the pandemic rendered us incapable of having in-person Seders the past two springs.

Chewing on hard boiled eggs and salty celery while navigating Zoom interruptions just isn’t the same as the traditional festival meals, which hopefully, more of us will be able to enjoy this weekend. Certainly, Passover 2022 promises to be extra special.

I would like to wish our readership a very happy and healthy Passover.

David Ostrowsky is a freelance contributor to the AJT.

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