Davis Decibelles Sing For Holocaust Survivors

Community Concert Brings Generations Together

Special for the AJT

A community concert recently brought generations together in a truly moving experience. The Davis Academy Decibelles, an all-girl Middle School singing
ensemble, recently performed at Cafe Europa, a monthly JF&CS (Jewish Family & Career Services)program for Holocaust survivors.

The Decibelles perform a blend of contemporary and Jewish songs and sing at a variety of events from concerts to Jewish holiday celebrations, but they also focus on team work, leadership, public speaking, and the broad range of skills that have earned them the reputation as Atlanta’s premier adolescent Jewish choir. With traditional songs like Oseh Shalom and new Jewish music, the girls’ clearly touched the audience. But afterwards, the girls had a chance to speak with and show respect for the members of their special audience.

Kendrick Phillips, Davis Academy’s Director of Visual and Performing Arts directs The Davis Decibelles. She summed up the experience this way:

“As we shared our songs of hope, faith, community, compassion, joy and life, the girls and I felt so honored, blessed, and truly fortunate to be in a room full of Holocaust survivors who have lived first hand through & been directly impacted by the very worst darkest corners of humanity and to have the honor to bear witness to and acknowledge their heroic strength & their stories, to be touched by their light. We must never forget. We must protect these chains from generation to generation.”

The Davis Decibelles who sang at this performance were:  Talia Barras, Nicole Cobb, Darcy Denneen, Erin Edwards, Maddie Fellner, Katie Foodman, Shayna Fraley, Eliza Frankel, Caroline Goldman, Ayden Grey, Audrey Kaye, Gracie Kirschner, Isabelle Mokotoff,  Caroline Morrison, Mary Ella Rinzler, Sarah Rosenbloum, Lili Stadler, Sarah Stanley, Rachel Stinar, Paige Swygert, and Isabella Waid.


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