Do I Really Need an Event Planner?


Spring has sprung, and it’s time to party. Do you have a wedding or a bar/bat mitzvah on the horizon? What about a business event?

Hiring an event planner can make putting together your Simcah a fun and simple experience. PHOTO / Special to the AJT

Whether it’s your first time or your 10th to host an event, you might want to consider hiring an event planner. A professional planner might seem like an unnecessary expense, especially on a tight budget. But it’s not.

Here are six great reasons why:

1. You’ll Save Time!

Event planners take care of all the details. You may have a great idea and a big vision of how you want this special day to be, but then reality sets in: You’ll need a caterer, venue, A/V equipment, chairs, tables, linen rentals, decorations, invitations, entertainment, DJ, band, videographer, photographer and on and on?

Because there are so many details, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. An event planner has the experience and contacts in all of these areas to save you hours of time on the phone and endless driving around Atlanta meeting with potential vendors.

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Once you have shared your dream for your special event, they can get to work making the phone calls, visiting location sites and seeking out the best value and atmosphere to create your perfect event.

2. Believe It or Not, You’ll Save Money!

This might be the opposite of what you would expect. You think because you have to pay the event planner, you’ll be spending more money, right?

Not so; their experience becomes your savings!

Once your planner knows your dream, priorities and your budget, they can work with vendors to save you money on all kinds of things. They have existing relationships with vendors already, so it’s easier for them to negotiate rates. They also have the experience and know-how to ask for special discounts and negotiate the extras that your event deserves.

3. You’ll Have a More Impressive Event

With so many details to handle, it’s easy to have your creative energy sapped, and it’s also easy to get caught up in all the technical and practical needs and miss the ambience altogether. The right event planner will know how to make a room look great and capture that feeling you had in mind.

There are tons of details and decorating “tricks” that your planner can use. Your planner will know how to incorporate your color scheme throughout the entire space, how to set up the venue to give your event the right flow and how to accent the entertainment, guests and food!

4. You’ll Have the Right Location (Location, Location)!

The right event planner has hosted parties and events all over Atlanta and can help you achieve your goals for the type of event you are hosting. Your planner will help you choose a venue that can actually meet your goals for your event, be it a simcha, party, fundraiser, awards dinner or business planning session.

Choosing the right location and space can affect attendance, sales, your expenses and a whole bunch of other elements. The right space can actually save you money and impress your guests at the same time.

5. You’ll Take Away the Fear of the Unknown

Your event planner has had experience with all types of vendors, networks with other professionals in the field and knows who the best is. This takes away the guesswork and fear of wondering if the service staff will all show up or if the caterer will produce exquisite food.

You can know that you have good people doing good work!

6. You’ll Get to Enjoy and Socialize with Your Guests

When you’re planning an event, doing everything yourself is a very big job and can get extremely stressful. But as soon as you hire an event planner, you can breathe. You can spend your time focusing on your guests and the things you do best.

Then, when it’s time for the event, your planner will focus on the details, orchestrate the vendors and handle any “unplanned” or “unexpected” tasks, so you will look like a star and actually enjoy the event, guests and entertainment! Your guests will have a great time and it will be a day to remember.

So remember: If you find yourself asking, “Can I plan, organize and manage this event on my own or should I hire an event planner?”, the answer is simple.

Maybe I could do this on my own…but, if I hire a professional planner, I will probably not only save money and time but also have an opportunity to really enjoy the event and guests that I want so much to impress.

Sheri Sands writes for Atlanta’s Impress Express, greater Atlanta’s event management and promotional service specialist. Contact AIE for your next event via (404) 563-2227 or


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