Chanukah Community

Eddie Samuels: What Fuels Your Fire?

Eddie Samuels shares what fuels his fire.

As this time of year approaches, light tends to be a common theme, both in Chanukah tradition and in other holiday celebrations. As a journalist, light can take on many meanings. It can be hoping to enlighten readers on topics they’ve never had to consider before or shedding light on a previously unseen point of view.

However, the most important light we can provide through our work is in holding those in power accountable. At its core, journalism aims to speak truth to power, and that can often make people uneasy.

The old adage, sunlight is the best disinfectant, holds true, but perhaps not as true as it once did. In the era of “fake news,” and particularly as we approach an election in which foreign agents aim to meddle through misinformation, it is more vital than ever that journalists work to provide a shining light.

The goal of providing a guiding light to others, making the mysteries and complications of the world a little less dark and confusing, fuels my fire.

Eddie Samuels is the senior staff writer and web editor for the AJT.

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