Rosh Hashanah Community

Elana Frank’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Elana Frank shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Elana Frank, of the Jewish Fertility Foundation

Though it might sound cliche, I’m so excited for the opportunities that 5783 bring for re-centering myself around the things that matter in life. I love my work and my family, and sometimes I get lost in the day-to-day shuffle, balancing my priorities and trying to remember to cherish the moments I have with loved ones.

On an in-person business trip last weekend, I met a woman who shared that, through her 10-year fertility journey, she was so focused on having a baby that she couldn’t see or embrace all of the blessings she had around her. Now that she’s had her child, she reflects on those years and the times she couldn’t be present for the great things happening to and around her.

As someone who experienced years of infertility myself, I understand and identify with the feelings of loneliness and desperation accompanying the longing for a child. And yet, this woman’s strength and reflection inspired me to realize that though life may not always play out as I envisioned, I can always remain thankful to Hashem for my blessings.

With my blessings, I hope to give back to the people and causes that inspire me. As we enter the new year, I am dedicated to creating change to better the world around me. Remembering what that woman taught me, I know that I can look beyond myself to recognize the needs of others and utilize all of the tools at my disposal to make the world a better place for all, and particularly those struggling with infertility.

I am grateful that my work is my passion and look forward to all to come in 5783.

Shana Tova.

Elana Frank is the CEO and founder of the Jewish Fertility Foundation.

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