Epstein Girls Tennis Team Champs

Front row, L to R: Sarah Peljovich, Sabrina Kaplan, Sari Leven, Arly Yagoda, Sophie Yagoda, Robyn Salzberg, Jade Nowitz, Lilly Blumenthal with (back row) Coach Jason Smith and Athletic Director James Battoglia.


Just three years after its inception, the Epstein School Lady Eagles tennis team has achieved an extraordinary level of performance.

Led by first-year head coach Jason Smith, they took first place and brought home the 2013 Metro Atlanta Athletic Conference Girls Tennis Team Championship title.

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“We all got along very well as a team and encouraged each other to work harder throughout the season; we really wanted to win!” eighth-grader Sari Leven said. “It is so exciting that in my last year at Epstein, we were able to pull off first place in the MAAC Championships!”

Coach Smith is thrilled with how the girls played this year, and is hoping to build the program with a boys team next year.


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