Rosh Hashanah Community

Eti Lazarian’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message

Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.

Eti Lazarian

What Rosh Hashanah Means to Me

It means a new beginning, a fresh start, new hopes and dreams. I always felt like whatever I had to do last year and never got around to because life is so busy is not an issue because I will get to it this year, and every year around this time I reflect on my achievements the past year and set new and stronger goals for the next year. But new beginnings now also mean self-awareness and forgiveness. If there is anything we learned from the past year, it is that making plans is God’s way of laughing.

As a little girl in Israel, we celebrated Rosh Hashanah in a meaningful way. My mother used to buy my sister and I a new white dress (that was only white that day).

We sat around the table in Jerusalem, the holy city, which was my hometown, and had a traditional meal, but also talked about our hopes and dreams. It seems like my hopes and dreams today stayed exactly the same … I still wish for the world to be a peaceful place, for love, and for everyone to be together.

Usually, we find a way to all celebrate at one table, but this year is challenging. It is funny how so much has changed, but at the end of the day it all stayed the same. The most important thing for me today, as it was 30 years ago to that little girl in Israel, is to be with my family and for everyone to be healthy, happy and together.

Le Shana Tova U’metuka!

May this year be our best one yet!

Eti Lazarian is owner of the Spring Hall Event venue.

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