Rosh Hashanah Community

Fran Putney’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Fran Putney shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Fran M. Putney

Thanks to Covid, it had been two years since we had seen Maddie when we finally got together again last summer. Maddie (they/them/their) is our oldest (born our son Matthew, now gender-fluid).

After they moved to Oregon seven years ago after college, I had to accept that our in-person visits would be far between, but we had been getting together once a year – often with us parents going to Portland.

Like so many who had to make the same sacrifice during the pandemic, I found that two years was crazy long without the pleasure of a hug, seeing up close the things that matter to a person by being in their house, hanging out with their partner and friends and simply doing things together for a few days. You share a lot during long hikes up Mt. Hood or Mt. St. Helens!

This year I am thankful that Maddie will be coming home to Atlanta this Rosh Hashanah. It will be a quick visit, mostly to see grandparents they haven’t seen in many years, people who played a big part in Matthew’s childhood and have missed him dearly.

We’ll see if Maddie likes what I’ve done with their former bedroom, and of course I will ask that they go through some things I haven’t yet gotten rid of. I hope we’ll have some laughs because no one cracks me up like Maddie. It will be short, but what greater holiday gift could I ask for?

Wishing you and yours a Shanah Tova and many warm hugs from your loved ones!

Fran Putney is a writer, editor, Atlanta Jewish Times proofreader and communications manager for the GA Commission on the Holocaust.

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