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Hadassah Installs 2019 Officers, Graduates Leaders

Hadassah Greater Atlanta chapter held its 2019 installation of officers and Centennial Leadership Institute graduation at Maggiano’s Perimeter on Jan. 6.

CLI graduates with leadership co-vice presidents: Michele Weiner-Merbaum, Renée Rosenheck, Judy Roseman, Terri Nordin, Sandye Charlop and Linda Hakerem. Not shown: Beth Gaan and Jessica Stern.
Dr. Rachel Schonberger addresses the audience.
Linda Hakerem presented the president’s pin to Michele Weiner-Merbaum.
Linda Hakerem presented gifts to Sheila Dalmat, HGA immediate past president, in appreciation for her outstanding service to the chapter the past two years.
Photograph by Ethan Merbaum // 2019 HGA officers: Diane Fisher, Nancy Schwartz, Michele Weiner-Merbaum, Annie Loventhal, Judy Bart, Marni Hoffman with Linda Hakerem and Sheila Dalmat. Not shown: Marci Abrams-Feinstein and Cheryl Gordon.

Hadassah Greater Atlanta chapter held its 2019 installation of officers and Centennial Leadership Institute graduation at Maggiano’s Perimeter on Jan. 6. Michele Weiner-Merbaum was installed as the new president along with chapter officers. Linda Hakerem and Sheila Dalmat officiated the ceremony.

A successful chapter was compared to a challah where all the ingredients combine for a delicious result. In the same way, every portfolio should combine with the others to ensure that chapter goals are met. Each officer received a symbolic challah, while the president received a challah cover as a memento.

Photograph by Ethan Merbaum // 2019 HGA officers: Diane Fisher, Nancy Schwartz, Michele Weiner-Merbaum, Annie Loventhal, Judy Bart, Marni Hoffman with Linda Hakerem and Sheila Dalmat. Not shown: Marci Abrams-Feinstein and Cheryl Gordon.

Weiner-Merbaum and Hakerem, 2018 HGA Leadership co-vice presidents, officiated at the graduation of the CLI 2018 graduates. The institute is designed to bring knowledge, leadership skills and passion to the HGA chapter and its individual groups.

The guest speaker was Dr. Rachel Schonberger, national Hadassah Medical Organization chair. She spoke about the importance of Hadassah’s contributions to medicine. “Hadassah isn’t the best in everything – no place today can truthfully claim that mantle. But we are a world leader in the three pillars of 21st century medicine – genetics, stem cell science and immunology.”

Linda Hakerem presented the president’s pin to Michele Weiner-Merbaum.

She emphasized Hadassah’s world leadership in genetics and the desire of credible institutions on six of the seven continents to collaborate with Hadassah’s scientists. She spoke about Hadassah as the original organizational bridge to peace – not just in Israel, not just between Arabs and Jews, but all over the world. Hadassah also has helped with preventing blindness in Liberia, treating HIV positive children in Ethiopia, responding to Tsunamis and earthquakes in the ring of fire countries, and training local therapists to help children recover from post-traumatic stress disorder in Mexico, Australia, and Pittsburgh, Penn.

To learn more about Hadassah and Hadassah Greater Atlanta,

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