Community Local News

Hadassah Officer Installation

Hadassah Metulla had its 2019 installation of officers Dec. 9 at Altobeli’s Italian Restaurant.

Back row: Marsha Fish, Sydelle Silberman, Anita Walters and Judy Roseman; middle row: Sandye Charlop-Geller, Livia Sklar, Linda Lieberman, Lana Krebs, Nancy Ulbricht, Michele Weiner-Merbaum, installing officer; seated: Terry Nordin, operation vice president, and Anita Golden Otero, president.
Sophia Schwartz, the youngest member of Metulla, received a certificate of appreciation.

Hadassah Metulla had its 2019 installation of officers Dec. 9 at Altobeli’s Italian Restaurant. The new officers are enthusiastic about creating new and informative programming for 2019. Hadassah is a global organization that provides care for more than 1 million people annually without regard for race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or nationality. The organization is also a constant advocate for the prevention of violence.

Sophia Schwartz, the youngest member of Metulla, received a certificate of appreciation at the event for her commitment and good will while representing the future of Hadassah.

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