Simchas Birthday

Happy Birthday: Ruth Lewis

Happy 95th birthday to Ruth Lewis.

Ruth Lewis

Ruth Lewis recently turned 95 April 18, and her daughters and the staff at the Renaissance on Peachtree, where she and her husband Ken live, found a way for the family to wish her a happy birthday. The staff brought them out onto a second-story balcony. Down below, her three daughters, Judi Schnitzer, Sue Heavlin and Carol Salmons, gathered with two sons-in-law, three of her five grandchildren and five of her great-grandchildren and cheered and serenaded Ruth with “Happy Birthday.”

Ruth and Ken have been married 73 years. Ken turned 96 three days earlier. They moved to the Renaissance a little over a year ago after living in Roswell for 15 years. They moved to Atlanta from Philadelphia to join two daughters, a son-in-law and four of their grandchildren.

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