AJT/Southern Israelite Celebrates 90th Anniversary

A Letter from Publisher Cliff Weiss: Cliff Weiss – AJT Editor In Chief

90th Anniversary – Looking to the Past to Create a More Interesting Future

Archived Copy of The Southern Israelite

Rosh Hashanah is a time of reflection. Since this new year is the 90th anniversary of the newspaper, we have decided to honor our heritage and include our original name, the Southern Israelite,during this special year. Throughout 5775 we will include features from our Southern Israelite archives. It is often interesting to see how some things change dramatically over time, while other things stay almost the same. On January 2, 1987, previous owners, Stan Rose and Steve Rose, said it best when they changed the nam
e of the paper to The Atlanta Jewish Times: “We intend to build on our past as we move ahead. After all, we have a great tradition to continue.”

This will be a year of growth and improvement. As always, we will continue to support the Atlanta Jewish community and Israel, and we hope that the community will continue to support us. Read, write, advertise, and frequent the advertisers who support our Jewish community newspaper!

This weeks issue was a special double edition for Rosh Hashanah. There will be no new paper on September 26. The next edition will be the October 3 Yom Kippur issue. Look for it in two weeks; it will also be packed with interesting articles and features!

Loretta, Gabriel, and I, as well as the entire staff of the AJT, wish you a sweet and healthy new year, and hope that you are all inscribed for blessing in the Book of Life!

L’ Shana Tovah!

Cliff Weiss


Atlanta Jewish Times


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