
Innovation Starts With Closing Textbooks

Students at Tuviyahu High School in Be’er Sheva have access to the latest technology to create a robust learning environment.

A teacher introduces a problem to students in the Future Learning Space.

The Future Learning Space at Tuviyahu High School in Be’er Sheva is unlike most classrooms in Israel. The students have access to the latest technology, devices and modern furnishings to create a robust learning environment.

ORT America Next Gen Mission participants interacted with the Tuviyahu students while collaborating on a class assignment requiring the use of technology.

Students and faculty expressed satisfaction with the FLS environment and its deviation from the traditional use of textbooks and chalkboards.

World ORT Kadima Mada, the science-based educational program ORT America supports in Israel, hopes to expand FLS to more schools through donations and government subsidies.

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