Community Community Event Highlights

Israel Scouts Spread Message of Peace

Dor Tamid hosted a vibrant event with ruach to welcome the scouts.

Dancing, singing and storytelling are part of the Israeli scouts' entertainment.

Tzofim Friendship Caravan attracted nearly 150 people when nine Israeli scouts came through Atlanta last month and performed at Congregation Dor Tamid. Their mission is to bring excitement, energy and friendship to North America from Israel.

“I got so much good feedback from people that came to the show for their first time,” said Hagit Yehudai, who is from Israel and organized the performance.

She heard about the Caravan last year and volunteered to bring the group to Atlanta, recruiting sponsors to fund the show, finding a place to hold it, and seeking help from families who would host the teen performers.

Teen Israeli scouts share their message of hope and peace.

The performance at Dor Tamid on July 29 was sponsored by the Israeli American Council Atlanta; Israeli House; HMY Realty Group; Café Crema; and Tzofim Atlanta.

Jewish National Fund also partnered with the Caravan because of its “shared mission of strengthening the bond between Israel and North America,” Yehudai said. The show at Dor Tamid included a short video about JNF, and the organization’s trademark blue tzedakah boxes collected donations.
Any proceeds from the event help the Caravan “so we can enjoy them for years to come.” Yehudai said she is already starting to plan a Caravan visit to Atlanta again next year.

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