Rosh Hashanah Community

Jane Aronoff’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message

Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.

Jane Aronoff is the chair of JELF (Jewish Education Loan Fund) and is a founder and past president of Temple Kol Emeth.

As we begin the new year, we look forward to the day when we refer to this pandemic in the past tense. As our community carefully navigates the uncertainty that has become a daily challenge, JELF (Jewish Educational Loan Fund) has remained focused on our mission to help Jewish students in need achieve their goal of a degree with interest-free loans.

In higher education, as in so many areas of society, the pace of change is astonishing. Even as the traditional classroom makes a comeback, the virtual learning environment is rapidly becoming a familiar part of the educational experience. One thing about higher education, however, has not changed: the ever-increasing costs.

For many undergraduates, graduates, and technical school students, JELF’s loans fill the gap between family resources, scholarships, grants, and interest-bearing loans and the high cost of education. This past year our applicants demonstrated the highest need in our history. We were proud to help nearly all of them close the gap so they could continue their studies.

The coming year will bring more of the same. JELF is ready. But 5782, a Shmita year, also presents a unique opportunity. Shmita, which is observed once every seven years, includes many meaningful aspects, but JELF is particularly energized by its call for Jewish lenders to forgive the loans of fellow Jews. Under the direction of our incoming chair, Rob Rickles, and with the help of generous donors and the efforts of our wonderful volunteers and staff, we are raising dedicated funds for a one-time initiative to forgive the loans of JELF borrowers in dire financial circumstances. While we will only be able to help a limited number of borrowers, the intersection of our mission and this beautiful Jewish tradition is inspiring.

On behalf of the JELF Board, staff and volunteers, I hope this Shmita year brings you happiness, health and many meaningful experiences.

Jane Aronoff is the chair of JELF (Jewish Education Loan Fund) and is a founder and past president of Temple Kol Emeth.

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