Rosh Hashanah Community

Jared Powers’ Holiday Message

Read community insights, advice and perspectives during this time as we enter in to the 5781/ 2020 Rosh Hashanah New Year.

Jared Powers is CEO of the Marcus JCC.

The sound of the shofar calls us to take a pause and reflect on the past year. As we look back on 5780, I know for many the challenges will be most pervasive in our minds. While there is no doubt that the trials of this past year were significant and complicated, there were also many moments of great strength, resilience and renewal.

As the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta has been an integral part of my life since I was a young boy, I know intrinsically how vital it is for the community. For more than 60,000 people every year, it provides an irreplaceable connection to the Jewish community, one’s Jewish identity, old and new friends, and the best version of one’s self.

While I will never forget the many moments and decisions that were heartbreaking this past year, during this time of reflection I also feel a great sense of pride in the MJCCA and the Atlanta Jewish community.

At the MJCCA, we evolved in so many meaningful ways, and remained committed to being an innovative, inspirational, and impactful agency for the many in our community who rely upon us. There are so many examples throughout the whole Jewish community of coming together, rising to the occasion, and working to meet the needs of the community.

As we prepare to welcome 5781, let us remember how we drew strength from each other this year and how we are inextricably linked to each other. I look forward to the days when there is high-fiving, fist bumping and hugging at the MJCCA, but I know that in many ways we have never been more connected.
‘On behalf of my family and the MJCCA, I wish you L’shana tova!

Jared Powers is CEO of the Marcus JCC.

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