
JCC Brill Institute Offers New Classes

Atlanta's largest Jewish education program offers an array of new programs for adults this Spring.

Some classes are beginning this month for the spring semester of the Marcus JCC’s Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning.

The Brill Institute, Atlanta’s largest adult Jewish education program, offers classes to more than 450 students at 12 locations, including Zaban Park. Course instructors include Jewish scholars, rabbis and Emory professors.

“We are thrilled to provide an array of courses with gifted teachers and presenters for people of all ages and denominations looking to study Jewish topics,” said Talya Gorsetman, the director of the Brill Institute. “Our classes positively and inclusively enlighten people who are interested in exploring their Judaism.”

Spring courses include “The Star and the Crescent: Into the Modern World” about Judaism and Islam; “Loving Yiddish Through Song”; “Techinot: The Power of Women’s Personal Prayer”; “The Cairo Geniza”; and such basics as conversational Hebrew, an introduction to Judaism, “The Meaning of the Bible” and “Foundations of Jewish Living.”

“Whether you are just beginning to delve into Judaism or simply want to deepen your knowledge, we have a class for you,” Gorsetman said.

The Brill Institute offers day and evening schedules. Fees vary by class.

For more information, visit, or contact Laurie Rose at 678-812-3723 or

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