‘Jerusalem U’ Links Students with Judaism


Harnessing the power of film and some of today’s greatest Jewish minds, Jerusalem U, an organization committed to teaching and inspiring young Jews about Judaism and Israel, has launched four online college-level series.

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Topics range from Cinema through a Jewish perspective and Israel Advocacy to Basic Judaism and Psychology.  The online courses address the growing need to reach out, engage and educate young Jewish adults about Israel and Judaism in a creative way that speaks to them.

Eligible college students, 18-26, can earn a stipend of $100 for completing one of the courses.

“Jerusalem U helped me understand more about my people and who I am as a Jew,” said Russell Levine, a student at Northeastern University.  “I now feel prouder than ever before of being Jewish.”

Sarah Hall, a student at Bloomsburg University, said the program changed her life.

“The Israel Inside / Out course completely and totally changed what I thought I knew,” she said. “I literally went from an ‘End the Occupation’ supporter to a ‘Speak Up for Israel’ supporter.”

Current courses include:

Cinema: The Jewish Lens

Go behind the scenes and meet Hollywood stars, film critics, screen writers, professors, rabbis and Biblical scholars who shed light on the ancient wisdom and Jewish traditions that find expression in Hollywood, today.

Israel Inside/Out

Discover the fascinating history of the State of Israel. An interdisciplinary approach provides an unparalleled view of both ancient and modern day Israel.

Habits of Happiness

Join renowned Positive Psychology expert Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar in a stimulating discourse combining modern psychology with ancient Jewish wisdom. Explore the secrets to leading a happier, more fulfilling life.

Judaism 101

Explore religious, spiritual and historical perspectives on Judaism and learn how to apply 3,500 years of wisdom to your daily life.

Want to know more?

Students interested in taking a course may view a sample class before filling out an application. Sample classes are available for every course and may be watched as many times as you’d like. For additional information, visit www.JerusalemU.org


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