JF&CS Turns Its Annual Meeting into a Celebration


More than 155 people attended the elegant JF&CS kosher luncheon at the East Cobb Pavilion last week, March 20.

This was the first lunch meeting format in the history of the JF&CS Annual meeting tradition, transforming an ordinary meeting into a celebration of JF&CS’s accomplishments and people. This event was made possible by the generous sponsors, the Atlanta Jewish Times and the East Cobb Pavilion * Avenue K Catering.

According to JF&CS CEO Gary Miller, “We have received nothing but extremely positive feedback on this fresh new approach. On behalf of Lynn Redd, our President, our Board of Directors, and our staff, we extend our gratitude to our ‘first-time’ sponsor for our Annual Meeting.”

“We have received rave reviews from so many people. The Federation folks said that it was the best annual meeting they have attended. One of our Board Members, who has attended at least 10 such meetings, called it ‘brilliant.’”

Alicia Philips, the CEO of the Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta remarked, “The meeting gave me the opportunity to learn even more about JF&CS, and I thought I knew the organization well!”

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