JNF Launches $100M Advocacy Effort

Israel News

JNF Launches $100M Advocacy Effort

A gift of $100 million from the Boruchin Family Estate has financed the creation of the Jewish National Fund Boruchin Israel Education Advocacy Center to focus on Israel and Zionist educational programming.

“John and Dora Boruchin saw that their lifelong commitment to Israel and the Jewish people would continue through their bequest to JNF,” said Mike Lederman, the chairman of the JNF Boruchin Israel Education Advocacy Center. “The Boruchins wanted JNF to undertake bold initiatives connecting Jewish youth to Zionism and advocating for the Jewish state.”

The center will advocate for Israel, deliver Israel education in the diaspora, and counter the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement to strengthen Americans’ connection to the land and people of Israel.

“Here in Atlanta, we are all aware of the importance of far-reaching Zionist education,” said Alan Lubel, co-president of JNF’s Southeast Region. “JNF adds value to Israel education provided by synagogues, camps and schools and fills gaps in serving the community. … Our Atlanta board plans to take full advantage of its resources for the betterment of our metro area.”

The center will fund innovative projects in partnership with individuals, foundations, and other nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations that will commit matching funds on a multiyear basis.

KKL Unveils Finances

Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund, the Israeli partner of the American nonprofit Jewish National Fund, issued the first financial report in its history Tuesday, July 7.

The KKL-JNF report revealed Israeli land holdings worth $2 billion and $567 million in revenue in 2014, including $20.2 million in donations from North America.

KKL-JNF controls about 13 percent of the land in Israel. The Israel Land Authority oversees sales of the land.

The separate, New York-based JNF USA has always reported its finances as required of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

KKL-JNF, which is a nongovernmental agency, has been under pressure in recent years to operate with more transparency. In releasing its financials, the agency decried the “witch hunt” against it.

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