JWFA Raises Money for Hungry Atlantans



Lisa Greenberg, Laura Soshnik, and Sarah Franco

The Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta (JWFA) collected and distributed nearly $3,000 to Jewish families in need of food aid on the evening of Dec. 5.

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Nearly 50 women participated in pooling their resources to help fight hunger in the Jewish community. JWFA partnered with Jewish Family and Career Services, who will identify the families in need and provide them with the donated resources.

The Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta is dedicated to changing the lives of Jewish women and girls. The Fund is comprised of Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds who use the power of collective giving to find long-term solutions to problems and issues that impact Jewish women and girls.

On Feb. 6, JWFA will host a seminar to further explore the issue of food insecurity among Jewish women and girls.


Editor’s note: women interested in JWFA can learn more online at www.jewishatlanta.org/jwfa.  For more information, please contact Rachel Wasserman at (678) 222-3716.



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