Rosh Hashanah Community

Kaylene Ladinsky’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message

Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.

Kaylene Ladinsky, AJT editor and managing publisher, said it’s been important to keep the Jewish community connected.

When I asked the community to share the opportunities they see approaching in the 5782 New Year, I wasn’t expecting the responses I received. Many of the submissions were more about the changes that each has experienced within themselves while getting through the challenges this pandemic has caused. There was as much in the submitted Rosh Hashanah messages about the opportunities our community has already experienced, and all the positive inner growth found personally, as well as what they have witnessed through their family and friends.

I found that I envied those who have been able to stop working and find so much more importance in their lives than the daily hustle and bustle. I love hearing the stories about how so many of you have found better ways of living life and working by just being resilient and creative – whether out of necessity or desire, you’ve found better ways of living life than you’ve ever known before.

At least a hundred times over the last year. I’ve heard myself speaking the phrase, “It’s like we’re living in a real-life sci-fi movie.” Well, right now that sci-fi movie in my mind doesn’t include all the lives that we lost, or the pain we have felt through sickness and the loss of family and friends we will never get back. I realize that those things are very real, and there is nothing fiction about any of it. All any of us can do is keep moving forward, taking one day at a time, and believing that time will heal all wounds.

So, I want to thank all of you who have inspired us, through your submissions, to not only consider future opportunities, but have also reminded us about the opportunities we have received and experienced already.

May all who have experienced loss heal. May everyone have a healthy and happy New Year.

Kaylene Ladinsky is the editor and managing publisher of the AJT.

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